
Christmas Present Ideas (For Under £3!)

Christmas is bloody expensive, especially at university when you have no money and lots of friends – some of whom are bragging that they’ve already got you something. So, testing out the age old mantra ‘it’s the thought the counts’, Impact Features compiled a list of cheap Christmas present ideas costing under £3. This is by no means anyone’s ‘wish list,’ but for skint students this may give you some ideas. Or maybe not.

Cactus jar

So this may not be the most Christmassy present, but it’s a cool plant that doesn’t easily die, which makes it pretty great for students. Admittedly they sometimes don’t look amazing if you’re not particularly creative, but at 50p for the cactus from Wilkinson’s and £1 for the jar from Poundworld, you could always spend a little more making it decorative.

Cactus Jar

Jar of sweets

It speaks for itself really. Not the most generous of gifts, but not many people will turn down A JAR FULL OF SWEETS. The jar cost £1 from Poundworld (and it’s reusable afterwards – perfect for making vodka gummy bears) plus the Haribo and marshmallows which are £2 but you have plenty left over for another pressie. So altogether it’s approximately £1.50 per jar. Obviously, you’ll want to make it look a lot nicer than our example, so you could add a ribbon, paint snowflakes on the jar or add a label.

Jar of Sweets

Framed photo

For the people who are REALLY broke, and a nice idea for those leaving uni this year, buy a cheap wooden picture frame from Poundland and take a cheesy ‘family-style’ photo of your friendship group. You can print the pic using your uni print credits (on plain paper obviously), then decorate the frame and wrap it up. Done. A very frugal, yet sentimental gift to take with you wherever you end up after uni.

“Buy a cheap wooden picture frame from Poundland and take a cheesy ‘family-style’ photo of your friendship group”


The most annoying, hipster instrument on the market for £3. Great for actual musicians or the perfect gift to give to the housemate of your worst enemy. They are seriously annoying if not played properly – and trust us, they are hard to play properly. Anyway, you can buy one for £3 from Tiger in Victoria Centre. Just don’t blame us if it gets rammed down your throat by your angry neighbour.


Just get someone a Sub the morning after a night out just before a lecture. Believe me, they’ll love it. To make it Christmassy how about putting a bow round it or wrap it in tinsel? Or maybe just put a Santa hat on it.

“Just get someone a Sub the morning after a night out just before a lecture”

These ideas are, admittedly, rather naff. If you have any better Christmas present ideas for under £3, comment below… We’re serious. We’re really skint and running out of time, so comment your ideas.

Natalie Mallory

Featured image: FutUndBeidl via Flickr. Embedded images: Natalie’s own

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