12 Days of Freshers

Societies for Film-Loving Freshers

Tylah Mofford

Do you love film and TV? Do you love watching films? What about making films? Have you considered writing about films? If any of this appeals to you, then you’re in the right place.

With Freshers’ week upon us, it seems apt to showcase the University of Nottingham’s film-focussed societies. In total, the university has five societies tailored to an interest in film and TV, each with a different speciality. Below is a bit more information about each, written by society members themselves so you can truly get an idea about what they do!

The university has five societies tailored to an interest in film and TV, each with a different speciality



NSTV is the University of Nottingham’s Student TV Station, winners of NASTA’s Best Broadcaster Award in 2020!

We come up with and produce exciting content spanning the realms of news, sport, entertainment and more! Within our studio in the Portland Building, we have access to amazing technology such as green screens, teleprompters, etc which allows us to produce high-quality content.

Any experience with us will look great on your CV if you want to enter the media industry, but equally if you just want to have fun, being part of our amazing team will definitely be worth it.

To get involved, you can buy a membership from the Student Union website for £5 and join our social media for the most up-to-date information about what’s going on. Make sure you’re part of the Facebook group ‘NSTV Crew 2021/22’!

NSTV: Facebook, NSTV Crew 2021/22 (Facebook Group), Instagram

(Tylah Mofford – Marketing & Publicity Officer of NSTV)


University of Nottingham Filmmaking Society: 

Filmmaking Society is exactly what it says on the tin! We are a society that makes films, all the way from the initial idea to the final edit. For our Big Pictures, we can potentially even take them to premiere! We meet on Mondays, and also run workshops and challenges like the ‘24 Hour Challenge’. This is where we break into small groups to write, shoot and edit a film in only 24 hours.

To join the society, just go on the Student Union website, log in and click on the shopping basket to buy membership for just £7.

For more information, join our social media: Instagram, Facebook, Email: film-making@uonsu.com

(Holly Cromwell – Media & Publicity Officer for UoN Filmmaking Society)


The Silver Screen: 

The Silver Screen society has a place for anyone, whether you’re a film fanatic or someone who has to apologise and roll their eyes every time they say they’ve never seen any Harry Potter film. We will be regularly screening mainstream, high quality films to students at an affordable price, hoping to provide a great range of films over the year so there’s something for everyone. Our society is also a great way of meeting people who share similar film tastes, or for those who just want to go through the nostalgia of an old classic.

We will be hosting weekly film screenings on the University Park campus, every Thursday at around 7pm. We also will have cinema trips for really affordable prices for upcoming releases. Membership is very well priced at only £2.45, as well as the £1 fee for members for each film attended. But, if you don’t want to commit to a membership, you can still attend the screening at £2.50 for non-members. Also, members will benefit from the 10% discount off cinema tickets at the Savoy.

We are holding a free Taster screening on Thursday 30th of September at the Sir Clive Granger Building in room A44 to watch Jojo Rabbit – make sure to come!

The Silver Screen Socials: Facebook, Instagram (@uon.tss), Student Union Website.

(James Hadland – President of The Silver Screen)


Dark Celluloid: 

Dark Celluloid is UoN’s ‘alternative’ film society. We do not call ourselves ‘alternative’ as an attempt to sound edgy – I know what you are thinking! It is due to the fact we choose less well known films, cult films or films with ‘unusual’ style or direction.

Each Sunday of term, at 7pm, we meet in a lecture theatre to watch a new film. At the end of the week, it is a great chance to have a break from the incessant drinking and partying. It is also a great opportunity to meet people interested in film and culture. After we have watched the film, we all walk to Mooch to discuss the movie, catch up and get to know each other.

Dark Cell also hosts some great socials. We take regular cinema trips into town, where members get discounted tickets. There are some exciting new releases coming out this term. We definitely plan to see Edgar Wright’s ‘Last night in Soho’, Anderson’s ‘The French Dispatch’, and our first social of term will be a trip to see Lowery’s ‘The Green Knight’. We will also head to a pub or bar when we are in town.

The line-up for this term is very varied – from ‘City of God’ to ‘La Haine’, finishing with ‘Requiem for a Dream’. There will be something for everyone. At the end of the term, and during second term, members will be able to choose their own films to watch, giving us a chance to explore new films. We also have planned a few film marathons…which members can help decide the theme of.

So, if you are a film lover, or want the chance to watch exciting films each week and meet new people, join Dark Cell. Go onto the SU website and buy your membership – it is only a few pounds. The first two Sundays (3rd & 10th Oct) we will be meeting in Clive Granger A39, and from then on we will meet each week in Monica Partridge A03. We look forward to meeting you!

Our Instagram and Facebook is @UoNDarkCell – so give us a follow for more info.

(Ellie Palmer – President of Dark Celluloid)



If writing about film and TV is up your street, then Impact is undoubtedly the society to join

Of course, we save the best till last (no bias here!). Impact covers a wide range of topics from news to lifestyle to entertainment, and of course so much more. However, the film and TV aspect of Impact is what needs spotlighting right now.

If writing about film and TV is up your street, then Impact is undoubtedly the society to join. The reviews section is dedicated to discussing the newest releases, whilst the Film and TV section deals with the other areas of film and TV. For example, explaining the complexities of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, questioning if another Cinderella film is necessary, or showcasing the work of a particular actor/filmmaker.

The beauty with Impact is you can do as much or as little as you like whenever you like! To be a writer for the magazine, all you need to do is buy a membership, and then comment on our ‘article ideas’ posts if one takes your fancy. This means it can fit in well with any other commitments you have throughout the year.

Impact can also do wonders for your future career if you’re interested in working within the media industry. We hold various workshops and conferences that provide key insights into the media world and how to get ahead, as well as providing invaluable writing experience to liven up your CV.

We are always looking for more contributors so if you’d like to get involved, here’s how:

  • To join Impact, go onto the Student Union website and get a years’ membership for £5.
  • Follow us on Instagram (@impactmagazineuon)
  • To write for the Film and TV section, join the Impact Entertainment Contributors 21/22 group here.
  • To write for Reviews, join the Impact Reviews Contributors 21/22 group here.

(Tylah Mofford – Film and TV Editor for Impact)


Hopefully at least one of these societies has tickled your fancy and you have found your perfect match to satisfy your love of film/TV! Make sure to get involved and make the most out of your university experience!

Tylah Mofford

Featured Image courtesy of Dan Stephens via Flickr. Image license found here. No changes made to this image.

In article video 1 courtesy of nstvofficial via Instagram. No changes made to this video.

In article image 1 courtesy of uonfilmmaking via Instagram. No changes made to these images.

In article image 2 courtesy of uon.tss via Instagram. No changes made to this image.

In article image 3 courtesy of impactmagazineuon via Instagram. No changes made to this image.

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12 Days of FreshersEntertainmentFilm & TV

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