“Folks, we’re going to have a global economic collapse…because that’s precisely what we deserve for our ignorance. We deserve pain.” Those are the words of Jesse Colombo, economic analyst and contributor at Forbes magazine. Growing domestic bubbles and buckling emerging markets are the makings of an economic firestorm for...
In 1970, £10 of every £100 of profit was distributed to shareholders. According to the BBC, that number today is at £70. The money is being flushed from long-term investments into the hands of the shareholder. It’s no wonder that the Financial Times is reporting that investment has dried...
The Bill Cosby case transcends the boundaries of America’s political, cultural and social sphere. Millions of viewers have watched him on television since 1965. Cosby is one of the household names in comedy – with eighteen honorary degrees from multiple universities, four Emmys, nine Grammys, a Presidential Medal of...
On July 8th, Chancellor George Osborne announced the complexities of his Emergency Budget for 2015. Many changes were initiated within his long economic puzzle, including the introduction of a national living wage and the scrapping of student grants. From Clegg’s empty promises to freeze tuition fees to Osborne’s eradication...
It only takes a quick browse of the media coverage on the possible exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU), to realise that the most commonly recurring response is fear of economic disaster. These concerns are coming from UK companies, fund houses, the legal industry, and...
It’s a bizarre day when one finds himself in agreement with The Sun newspaper. They have just released a front page that depicts a still-frame of dubiously obtained footage from Balmoral in 1933. It depicts the Queen Mother and her brother-in-law, Prince Edward, corralling the six year old Queen Elizabeth and...
In 2016 the United Kingdom is set to renew the possession of giant warheads capable of obliterating entire states. So it seems rather alarming that the only referendum that is set to go ahead during Cameron’s next term is concerning our position in the European Union. This is despite...