• Heating On Prescription: Surviving The Energy Crisis

    NHS doctors have begun prescribing heating for ill patients, many of who cannot afford to pay for it. The Warm Home Prescription pilot paid to heat the homes of 28 low-income patients to avoid the hospital care if they become more ill. The trial has since been expanded to...
  • Weekly Wellbeing: Seasonal Depression

    The year has reached its end, temperatures have dropped down from double digits to single digits, and the city is decorated with Christmas lights and Christmas trees. We tend to heavily romanticise this time of the year -  and rightly so, as we take out our puffers and trench...
  • Nottingham Castle Unexpectedly Closes Down

    Nottingham Castle, Nottingham’s chief tourist attraction and a remarkable heritage site, has closed its doors to the public and to staff, announcing on 21st November 2022 that the Nottingham Castle Trust, the charity in charge of running the site, was being liquidated. Adaora Elliott looks into why this happened,...
  • Key Takeaways From The G20 Summit 2022

    Edelline Sutanto November 17th 2022 marked the end of the two-day G20 summit held in Bali, Indonesia. President Joko Widodo of Indonesia had stated in an interview hosted by The Economist’s editor-in-chief, Zanny Minton Beddoes, that he hoped for reduced political tensions amongst rivalling countries: ‘Indonesia wants a peaceful...
  • Should We Support Our Striking Lecturers?

    The University and College Union (UCU) has announced further strikes will take place in universities across the country on 24th, 25th, and 30th of November. Abigail Cadman Kerr speaks to a striking lecturer and investigates the reasons for these strikes. ...
  • All Talk And No Training: UoN Misses The Mark With 4-Minute Sexual Consent Presentation

    Sexpression is a national charity who advocate for the implementation of mandatory sexual consent training by universities. Last month, their Nottingham branch teamed up with UoN’s Feminist Society and others to organise a rally through campus. The purpose of this rally was to support their open letter to the...
  • American Midterms 2022: Everything You Need To Know

    Last Tuesday, 42 million Americans turned out to vote in the 2022 Midterm Elections, yet results over who will control Congress for the next two years remain unclear. In the American political system, midterm elections occur halfway through a presidential term and are used to determine which party will...