• How Have Different World Leaders Coped With COVID-19?

    There are many factors which make it difficult to accurately compare the responses of individual countries to the global COVID-19 pandemic, such as population size and population density. However, there have been undeniable shortcomings in the US, whilst Taiwan is a textbook case study of how to cope in...
  • The Irony of the British Anti-Lockdown Protests

    I recently wrote an article about the anti-lockdown protests currently taking place in America, in which calls for freedom and liberty have been commonly used. I also commented how many British people may see these protests as irrational and unreasonable, yet now it appears that some British individuals agree....
  • The Art of Acknowledging Our Histories

    With stringent lockdown measures in place due to the coronavirus outbreak, our sanctioned one hour of exercise each day is a godsend. Nothing has calmed my anxieties more than getting out for a walk around the park on a regular basis. The white hawthorns and healthy, green trees are...
  • Lockdown: Is it Ever Okay to Break the Rules?

    We all know the severity of the current situation. The UK death toll has now surpassed 20,000; our NHS is on its knees, PPE is in short supply, and the aforementioned figure doesn’t even account for care home deaths. The rules are supposedly simple - that familiar triad of...
  • Dear Graduating Class of 2020

    Dear Graduating Class of 2020- I get it. As a final year student, I understand the sadness, the anger and the pain you feel about not having the final term of university which you imagined. The one full of ‘lasts’- last library all-nighter, last trip to your favourite place...
  • The American Lockdown Protests: Liberty vs Life

    Protests have broken out in over 12 states in America over the lockdown measures that have been put in place to protect the population from the spread of coronavirus. Currently America has the highest number of cases and deaths in the world with over 964,000 confirmed cases and more...
  • Living in Lockdown With Social Anxiety

    All of us will experience some anxiety in certain social situations, particularly highly pressured ones like job interviews. Social anxiety disorder is more than shyness, due to the excessive worrying and physical symptoms of anxiety involved, and is characterised by the NHS as an ‘intense fear that does not...