Megan Mahoney It has been announced recently that Milton Keynes is the only city in the UK with no guide books written about it. This article will uncover why this is the case and offer suggestions as to what Milton Keynes has to offer apart from having 130 really...
As I get older, I seem to be becoming more and more like the characteristics of my zodiac sign - a Gemini. Innate solitary nature: check, like routine: check, indecision: check. But is this the same for everyone? Is there any actual real meaning behind these star signs and...
The Hemline Index was a theory proposed in the book ‘The Economics of Fashion’ (1928) by Paul Nystrom. This western spectacle suggests that stock prices move in the same direction as the hemlines of women’s dresses, getting shorter in times of economic prosperity and longer in times of recession....
I don’t know about you but the The Last of Us keeps cropping up in my life, be it my lecturer or the exercise instructor, this massive new HBO series seems to be hitting people close to home. Having largely recovered from the global Covid-19 pandemic our attention is...
We’ve all heard the term ‘power nap’, and so many of us (Izzy Morris included!) swear by catching a cheeky forty winks in the middle of the day to push through till the evening. But is having a nap a healthy strategy to recuperate energy, or is it just...
Nowadays, most people are familiar with online resale platforms such as Vinted, but how do people use these platforms successfully? Selling items for the best prices and finding bargains? Welcome to Zoe Waite's how-to guide for shopping and selling online. From eBay to DEPOP this is all you need...
When we think of iconic fashion eras, a lot of us are quick to mention the 70s that give us the much-loved flares, and the bold fashion of the 80s. Or perhaps its the y2k looks that we see all over Instagram, reminiscent of the early 2000s. According to...