• The Taste of Home

    Food is, for many of us, a significant way of staying connected with our cultural and national roots.  It is, in a way, a remedy to the physical distance and the feeling of homesickness that we are sometimes subject to when far from home. As a Malawian-born British citizen,...
  • The Breakfast of Champions – Banana Oat Pancakes

    With pancake day rapidly approaching, there’s no better time to try a new and improved pancake recipe. This recipe substitutes the conventional flour, milk and egg batter for a plant-based batter. Ingredients: This recipe makes approximately six pancakes. For the batter: 1 cup oats 1 teaspoon coconut oil 190ml...
  • Meet the Team and Their Pancake Toppings

    Pancake Day is undoubtedly the most sacred day of the year – pancakes are so flippin’ good. Some of the team at Impact  have shared their favourite pancake toppings.  Name: Inga Becker-Hansen Position: Science Editor  Pancake Topping: Mushrooms, spinach and pancetta A speciality of my household are savoury pancakes as they are...