• Spooky books to unsettle

    Zoe Monroe Halloween is the perfect time for uncovering spooky novels of the past, each one as gruesome and twisted as the other. Whether you are looking for a quick read depicting the horrors of the human mind or something bordering the lines between the mythical and the supernatural,...
  • March Book of the Month – The Moonstone

    Christy Clark It’s often said that the circumstances in which a book is read define the reader’s reception unalterably. I read a creamy blue miniature copy of The Moonstone, gifted by my mum, sitting on a stone wall in the Lake District last summer. And along with the setting...
  • The Books I Think Will Become Modern Classics

    Alicia Lacey The ‘classic’ novel encompasses universal themes, a wide range of diverse characters, realised settings, and will make connections that withstand the test of time. Alicia Lacey shares her list of books that will become modern classics in the near future.  Themes including discussions of morality, love and relationships, race,...
  • Why We Should Support Independent Book Shops?

    Christy Clark Some are large and sparse, some so densely packed it’s hard to see how you’ll ever make it out. All the times I’ve joked ‘I could spend all day in here!’, and all the blurbs of never-bought books I’ve scanned, I still don’t think I appreciate independent...
  • If We Were Idealists: A Guide To The Best Campus Novels

    Alicia Lacey As the new academic year begins and students begin to long for ways to romanticise their walks to campus or having a coffee with friends in the darker evenings; the campus novel seems like the ideal way to settle into your studies. Alicia Lacey shares her favourite campus...
  • some books and tea

    Books I Liked Over the Holidays- A Recommendation

    Natalie Howarth The holidays are the perfect time to wind down from academic pressure and take some time away from studying; what better way would there be to wind down other than with a book? Here are some of Natalie Howarth’s recommendations from the festive period.   Anna Karenina by...
  • A picture of Bromley House library.

    A History of Bromley House Library

    Ella Pilson Bromley House Library is a grade 2 listed, 250-year-old subscription library dating back to 1752, as well as home to the first photographic studio in the Midlands! This was set up in Bromley’s attic by tenant Alfred Barber in 1841- make sure to add this to your...