Ten years after the first film, the Cloverfield franchise has become unrecognisable from the raw ‘found-footage’ concept that once defined it. Now with a different director (Julius Onah), almost double the budget and J. J. Abrams as the producer, you would think The Cloverfield Paradox was a prequel with serious...
Based on the book of the same name, the fantasy world of Miss Peregrine and her peculiar children is about to come to life on screen – and it’s both weird and wonderful. Miss Peregrine is the woman who runs a secret home for children – but no ordinary...
Stephen Frears helms this dramatised account of the rise and fall of professional cyclist Lance Armstrong (superbly played by Ben Foster) and the tenacious Sunday Times sports journalist David Walsh (Chris O’Dowd), who campaigned to investigate the Tour de France icon. While the story is incredible and the performances and...
John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men is a tale of two unlikely friends, George and Lennie, who move from ranch to ranch across California in search of work, and their dream to “live off the fat of the land”. Decades after its first stint on Broadway, this twentieth century American...