• Adult Child/Dead Child @ NNT

    Nottingham New Theatre’s interpretation of Adult Child/Dead Child explored many themes using just a single character, his monologues, thoughts and soliloquies. Jess Donn’s intense take on Claire Dowie’s original play was often hair-raising, fleshing out difficult truths about our world. Adult Child/Dead Child is a subversive take on a...
  • Behind the Scenes at NNT: ‘Adult Child/ Dead Child’ by Claire Dowie

    Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of going behind the scenes by sitting in on one of the rehearsals for the upcoming NNT production ‘Adult Child/ Dead Child’ which debuts tomorrow night.  Upon entering the rehearsal studio I was struck by the buzz of energy and the warm...
  • Why is John Lennon Wearing a Skirt? @ NNT

    Sassy and full of fire, Claire Dowie’s Why is John Lennon Wearing a Skirt? delivers a much-deserved punch to society’s stomach. Chloe Richardson and Darcey Graham have taken the powerful play and created a comedic and intense showcase of the issues of gender expectations and their effect on a...
  • Behind the Scenes – Why Is John Lennon Wearing A Skirt?

    With four actors playing one single character, Claire Dowie’s Why Is John Lennon Wearing A Skirt? is a personal drama unlike any other. Taking the form of a single dramatic monologue, Dowie’s play explores the life of a girl struggling to grow up under societal pressure to conform to...