• Forgotten Gems: Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

    Anna Karenina is one of those undeniable classics that people tend to claim they’ve read, or have on their shelves to look a little more intellectual; in fact, it’s been on my own bookshelf for years before I finally picked it up this summer. Originally published in instalments in...
  • Arty Outings: The North and South of Christmas Markets

    From bright and sunny Leeds to dark and rainy Bath: you wouldn’t expect it, but I experienced it! Leeds On a cold, but Sun-smiling day in the first week of December, I went to visit a friend from home in Leeds. The Christmas market itself was relatively small, but...
  • Cool New Cocktails @ Rub Smokehouse & Bar

    When we were invited to try out the new specials menu cocktails at Rub Smokehouse, we couldn’t turn the invitation down. We’re professional cocktail testers of course. These might just be the best and most original cocktails you can find in Nottingham this Autumn, concocted and named by members...