We humans are always looking to develop, to improve, to innovate. Perhaps it’s in our genes. After all, Darwinian survival of the fittest instincts have left us with the never-ending feeling of dissatisfaction. So, as a species we can’t be really be blamed for always pushing ourselves to do...
In a recent lecture on environmental history, my lecturer told our group that the average British prisoner now spends more time outside than the average primary school child. This statement truly shocked me. As a nation we typically associate primary school with a time of discovery and freedom without...
How long do you spend on your phone? When was the last time you looked UP? Have you noticed the myriad of orangey-brown hues peppering the leaves? Or how your breath creates cloud-like puffs in the early morning?...
From 2006, Twitter has been a platform for anyone and everyone to voice their opinion. With 330 million users daily, it is one of the most used apps globally. Its infamous use of the hashtag brings the public together, although sometimes also dividing, on world events. Ranging from the...
As I sit on the 12pm Cross Country train from Manchester Piccadilly, I am overcome with a bittersweet sadness. I am so excited to be reunited with my house-mates: friends I have known for only a year, yet can’t imagine my life without. I am excited to rejoin the...
In the ever-growing world of technology and social media, I think it is easy to forget that it is not part of everyone’s life. Our generation is used to technology as we were brought up with it, but what about our older generation? They have had to try to...
Impact Features officially brings to you their brand new Agony Aunt! University life is riddled with confusing, scary and unfamiliar issues that can be harder to overcome as you live away from home and your normal support system of friends and family. However, the Impact Features Agony Aunt is here...