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    Taylor Swift, X and AI-Generated Images

    Emma Burgess Taylor Swift has become the latest target of deepfake creators, casting a spotlight on an emerging threat: Increasingly, individuals within the public eye are fighting against a new method of harassment, designed to humiliate celebrities, and strip them of their right to privacy. Hardcore videos of a...
  • Unravelling the Web: Disinformation Challenges on X and Elon Musk’s Battle Plan

    Alfie Johnson  In a world brimming with global events, from elections to conflicts, the flow of accurate information is pivotal to our understanding of the unfolding narratives. Imagine if you had to question whether you could trust the news that you turned on every morning. However, the rise of...
  • A Recap Of 2022

    Poppy Read-Pitt Let’s cast our minds back to this time last year, January 2022. This month, like all of the months before it, was largely dominated by news of Covid which -for the sake of our collective sanities- I won’t recount. I’ll instead focus on another devastating blow from...
  • Yet Another Twitter Controversy: Elon Musk on Ukraine

    Modern social media platforms have become hubs for controversy in 2022. Business magnate and CEO, Elon Musk, has produced his fair share of questionable tweets in the past, and it seems that he is back for another round. Lorenzo Capito explores the impacts of Musk's recent tweet about Ukraine,...
  • Fleetwood Mac’s Stevie Nicks Says She’ll Move to Space If Trump Is Re-Elected

    With the US presidential elections fast approaching, Fleetwood Mac's Stevie Nicks has expressed her strong concerns regarding the condition and future of the nation - even considering reaching out to engineer Elon Musk for a helping hand. Ryan Keane reports....
  • What Are The Starlink Satellites?

    Many of us are very focused on what is down here on the ground that we forget what is above us. Unbeknown to some, there are a few new additions that have been popping up in Earth’s orbit over the past year: SpaceX’s Starlink Satellites. SpaceX, as you may...
  • Film Review: Parasite

    When the son of a destitute family is given an opportunity to tutor a rich girl under false pretences, he and his family scheme to insinuate themselves into the wealthy household....