National pride is something that many people find deeply divisive in the UK, especially when it comes to England. You’d think it divides quite neatly down the middle of the political spectrum. You expect it from UKIP and the right, all the painting faces red-and-white and draping a St...
It may surprise you to learn, humans of Nottingham, that there is an intelligence greater than your own surveying your every move. A dark and dangerous force moves in the shadowy underbelly of University Park, known to few but feared by all! Yes, from a secluded corner of campus...
While the idea of a self-driving car crashing and killing someone may sound like the storyline of the next Black Mirror episode, a driverless Uber being the cause of the death of a pedestrian in Tempe, Arizona last month has made this scenario a reality. While Uber has now...
Following the recent Cambridge Analytica scandal, the hashtag #DeleteFacebook was trending, and many considered jumping ship (though, according to Mark Zuckerberg, no “meaningful number” did). But the social media giant is something that a lot of people – particularly university students – use regularly as part of their everyday...
Coming home from university during the holidays is a bit weird, let’s be honest. Unpacking is too much effort, but at the same time living out of a suitcase is not a way to live. You feel like you are a stranger having been away for so long, yet...
In the last month, the balance of global power has shifted again – minutely but perceptibly, making it the job of the curious observer to reassess the lie of the land. The political reverberations caused by the poisoning of one Russian ex-double agent, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter on...
On International Women’s Day, Scottish brewer BrewDog launched Pink IPA, a beer targeted towards raising debates on sexist marketing and the gender pay gap. The beer, which bears a pink label, is the same as the popular blue-labelled Punk IPA, but it will retail at a 20% lower price...