For the Creative Showcase, Bethan shares with us the haikus she wrote for the spooky time of the year....
Day 1 Overnight, pumpkins festoon supermarket windows. It has begun. Day 2 Boys with conkers, brown and polished as their school shoes, battering rams swung on shoelaces to fight. Day 3 Translucent colours hover in the sky, droplets plop, rainbow above the canal. Day 4 Late. Again. This stop...
This months theme kicks off the academic year by centering on ‘New Beginnings’. So kick back, relax and press reset… Step up, and step in The sun rises, the sun will set The simplest fact we will ever get For some things are big; some things are small But...
MONDAY Day stretches its arms Crisp air slices tender skin, Early morning sun TUESDAY Fingers clasped tightly Steam rises from coffee cups Hunched shoulders, long breath WEDNESDAY Light – bursts through curtains The alarm rings, kettle sings Slow patter of feet THURSDAY Clouds sit on hangers, Pale faces pinched...