• All I Want for Christmas is…to be single?

    Being single at Christmas holds certain stigmas and presumptions, and for some can be a daunting prospect. Lauren offers an insight into why not being in a relationship during the festive period wasn’t such a bad thing.  Perhaps it’s my penchant for solo activities like knitting and reading books,...
  • On the 12th Day of Christmas.. I am still a poor student in debt.

    Having a student budget but lots of loved ones you want to spoil can be daunting. Have a read of Katherine’s take on buying gifts as a student.  As you get older, Christmas becomes less about circling the Argos catalogue and the gifts you’re going to get, and more...
  • How to Host the Perfect Uni Christmas Dinner!

    It’s official. Jack Frost swiftly visited campus this morning, the grass was silver and it was cold enough to see foggy breath. We can finally start getting excited… Christmas is coming! Bea gives her advice on how to host an affordable and delicious Christmas dinner in your Uni house! ...
  • The Privileges Of Veganism

    In the last 20 years, veganism has become much more mainstream. Veganism is a lifestyle in which the use or consumption of animal products is prohibited. This includes the wearing of products like leather and wool, as well as the consumption of meat, eggs and any other animal byproduct....
  • Hangry Harangue- Nasty Surprises

    Need some lighthearted fun to de-stress? Listen to the Hangry Harangue podcast for an insight into what angers our writers.  George and Phoebe discuss film spoilers, vague replies and the unreliability of public transport in this week’s Hangry Harangue on nasty surprises.  Please note, this podcast does contain Endgame,...
  • A Guide to a Night Out in Nottingham

    Third year student Olivia Paton gives the low-down on how to enjoy a nights out in Notts! When arriving at the University of Nottingham, it is not only overwhelming attempting to navigate your way around the huge campus, but also the city itself. Freshers week will most likely be...
  • Is Freshers Week Over-Rated?

    Features writer Jennifer Peck gives a personal account of her own freshers week and offers perspective on its importance. There are many significant ‘weeks’ in a person’s life – exam week, first week at a new job, a week-off work etc. etc. Somehow however, Fresher’s week has a standing...