• What To Give Up For Lent

    Now I’m not saying that it’s possible to live a wholly positive and fruitful life- human nature means that we all have our bad days. With Lent beginning on 6th March this year, that gives us all a little bit of time to cut out something toxic out of our...
  • Impact Investigates Food Production: Nitrates in Bacon and Ham Production

    Following scientific intervention and political influence in a campaign, companies producing meats such as bacon and ham have been asked to reduce or entirely remove nitrites from the meats they produce. What are nitrites? Nitrites or nitrates (NO2 or NO3) are formally known as by-product of ammonia oxidation (where...
  • Stephen Hawking: A Tribute

    A wise, ageing man once said, “Life would be tragic if it weren’t funny.” This year, a year in which the ramifications and messages of that quotation could not ring truer, that wise, ageing man passed away at the age of seventy-six. Stephen Hawking was an inspiration to all....
  • #WasteNott: The Campaign So Far

    Nottingham is already classed as one of the UK’s most sustainable universities, with a clear aim to do more to help the environment. This institutionalised aim for change, together with the student population’s supposedly supportive attitude, could lead to a powerful contribution towards environmental protection. But what is actually...
  • Killer Cosmetics

    120 billion units of packaging are produced in the global cosmetics industry annually, most of it is excess plastic and non-recyclable. “Many cosmetic brands are now ‘cruelty-free’ and ‘vegan’” In our current climate, the typical consumer has become more aware of these environmental issues, catalysing a shift towards more...
  • Too Good To Go App

    Too Good To Go is an app that launched in Copenhagen in 2015 in with the aim of fighting food waste, but does it work? 1/3 of all food produced worldwide goes to waste, and yet 1 billion people go hungry each day, so clearly food waste and sustainability...
  • Spotlight on: Ada Lovelace

    It is no secret that within STEM industries in the UK, the gender balance continues to favour men. The latest statistics from the Wise Campaign confirm that in 2017 women still only make up 23% of those in core STEM occupations in the UK, and 24% of those working...