• Young, 20-Something Graduate, Built-In Quarter-Life Crisis

    When we reach our late teens and begin to progress into our 20s, it can be one of the most difficult transitions of our lives. Worries about the future start to manifest as the end of university comes into sight, along with an uncertainty of what career to pursue....
  • Part-time jobs: Money-maker or exam de-railer?

    In first and second year, I must admit that I played a particularly dangerous game with my finances, skirting the boundaries of my overdraft limit, trying to survive on the money I had accumulated over summer. The constant worry of waking up on a Thursday or Saturday morning and...
  • Advice: Uncle Sam on Postgrad Studies

    They call him Uncle Sam. The advice giving, suggestion slinging, arm-round-the-shoulder everyman who’s always there for you. Unless he’s too tired that day or too busy or something. He likes helping you help yourselves. He doesn’t like self introductions, lists or irony. “Dear Uncle Sam, I’m in my third...