The latest installment in the massive Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) introduces its smallest character yet, Ant-Man. But does it continue Marvel’s (mostly) successful track record or is their smallest hero their biggest mistake? Ant-Man’s development was far from easy. Having been juggled between various filmmakers including Edgar Wright and...
With everyone’s favourite Marvel characters kicking off the summer in Age of Ultron, the second Marvel movie of 2015 will introduce us to a whole new cast of characters. Despite a rocky production, it’s finally time to meet Marvel’s smallest hero: Ant-Man. Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) has created a...
I consider 2008’s Forgetting Sarah Marshall as consisting as a part of a trio of films, along with 2007’s Superbad and 2008’s Pineapple Express. They have the same accidental comedic tone and similarly endearing male protagonists – I would go so far as to describe them as the catalysts for the way...
On this day back in 1994, “The First One” of the acclaimed sitcom Friends premiered, unaware of the momentous cultural impact the show would have in the years following. Now, on the 20th anniversary of the Pilot, we’re celebrating the series’ continuing flight of fandom as we countdown the...