• Duolingo opening icon

    Is Duolingo an effective tool for language learning?

    Rosie Treanor Millions all over the globe make it their daily routine to click on the green owl app to continue their streak in whatever language they are learning. Whether that’s one of the most popular language pathways like Spanish or French; dead or barely spoken languages like Norse...
  • Phone Addiction: Overcoming The Urge To Scroll

    Hannah Penny Phone addiction is haunting an entire generation. Hannah Penny discusses her experiences and gives advice on how to overcome it.  The year is 2009 and I am eight years old. I am sat on the lawn of my garden watching how the trail of ants bulge and...
  • Hello, Who’s Really There?

    Almost everyone has got a story about their phone “listening” to them. These stories usually follow the framework of someone talking to their friends about something (a brand, an event or a holiday) and shortly afterwards their social media seems to advertise eerily similar products. In some cases, people...
  • The Perks of Being Older Than An iPhone

    In a recent lecture on environmental history, my lecturer told our group that the average British prisoner now spends more time outside than the average primary school child. This statement truly shocked me. As a nation we typically associate primary school with a time of discovery and freedom without...
  • Have we Lost the Art of Talking?

    How long do you spend on your phone? When was the last time you looked UP? Have you noticed the myriad of orangey-brown hues peppering the leaves? Or how your breath creates cloud-like puffs in the early morning?...
  • My life in phones: a brief history of technological memories

    Motorola clamshell, Nokia 1600 and Sony Ericsson k700 – a long lost generation of mobile phones that first introduced us to the technological world. Do you remember the initial excitement that pierced your heart when your fingers impatiently ripped the wrapping paper apart to reveal the one little piece...