• An interview with Dr Rory Cormac, UoN’s Russia expert

    In the last month, the balance of global power has shifted again – minutely but perceptibly, making it the job of the curious observer to reassess the lie of the land. The political reverberations caused by the poisoning of one Russian ex-double agent, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter on...
  • The BAFTAs – A catwalk for change.

    After a wealth of shocking and saddening revelations in the last few months, it is no surprise that there has been more interest surrounding the support of the Me Too and Time’s Up campaigns at this year’s BAFTA’s than of the awards and winners themselves. The majority of attendees...
  • Take it from a Londoner, Corbyn is right about de-centralisation

    Last week, Jeremy Corbyn, speaking at the EEF Manufacturers’ Organisation, announced that he would curb London’s power if he ever became Prime Minister. This shouldn’t come as a shock. A “fundamental shift” in the country’s economic policy has always been one of Corbyn’s most appealing promises, but a move...
  • A Tale of Tuition Fees

    The ongoing joke of students is the lack of money they have. However, the image of a pale, laptop lit, skinny student eating their third pot noodle as they do an essay is not all that funny, really. Not when push comes to shove and the reality is that...
  • Why tuition fees are basically irrelevant

    I recently overheard two teenage girls on the bus talking about the prospect of going to university. They were considering it, but one of them, in particular, was massively put off by the ‘huge amount of debt’ it will put you in. “Even if you go to Australia to...
  • Stop focusing on tuition fees, start focusing on the real university issues

    On the one hand, Theresa May should be congratulated. Admitting that tripling the tuition fee cap to £9,000 in 2012 was a mistake is admirable. Expecting an increase in fees to create competition, rather than all universities just charging as much as possible without any change in where best...
  • Music Interview – Will Varley

    Will Varley recently returned to Rescue Rooms ahead of the release of Spirit of Minnie, his highly anticipated fifth studio album. Impact stopped in to review the show (which you can read here), but beforehand we caught up with him to talk about the tour, the album, and everything...