This month there are several continuations of different franchises. Hoping to score the awards-love that its prior film controversially missed out on, is the latest in the Rocky series: Creed II. Lisbeth Salander (Claire Foy, taking over from Rooney Mara) returns in The Girl in the Spider’s Web, a...
This month marked a special occasion for Vogue. While those who read this fashion bible may consider every first Friday of the month a cause for celebration, this week’s issue was particularly significant because it marked the beginning of Edward Enninful’s Vogue era. The new age of Vogue. For...
Christmas. It’s become an addiction of indulgence, one made acceptable because not only do masses of people take the hit, but they’re comfortable talking about it too. So long as they continue, we’ll be in tow supplying goods of our own grade, as we resume our Anti-Advent Calendar… Before achieving widespread recognition...