• Scrapbook: Top 5 Gothic Novels

    The Gothic genre is making a big comeback of late with numerous film and TV series taking inspiration from and adapting literature to meet its fanbase. But where did it all begin? Here at Impact we argue why these books are timeless. After all, there’s a reason they’re called ‘classics’…...
  • The Changing Nature of Horror Games

    It’s that time of year again, the spiders are spinning webs everywhere and just generally annoying you, and children are getting ready to beg for sweets and just generally annoy you. So, what you want to do is hole up in a dark room and play some horror games....
  • Loot Boxes: Is your Overwatch skin worth exposing children to gambling?

    Loot Boxes, the very thing that I’m sure causes most people to roll their eyes and sigh with discontent as they have eeked their way into nearly every genre of game: sports, shooters, fighters, even some RPGs. But there seems to be a dangerous future for any company that...
  • TellTale: The Walking Death of a business

    As of the 21st of September, TellTale game studios has filed for bankruptcy and has essentially died. This was a sudden and surprising revelation that has caused great waves within the community as many of the games they have put out have become beloved and held in high regard....