BoJack Horseman is a cartoon aimed at adults, which follows a once-famous now washed-up TV star with an awful personality. In a world of human-animal hybrids, set in America, the show is a comic, sometimes dark reflection on the life of a celebrity and the horrible choices he makes,...
Finally, after months of waiting, the Oscars are nearly upon us. Will La La Land dance its way to the top? Will Portman trounce Stone? All will be revealed on 26th February; until then, there’s a whole host of films being released this month to sink your teeth into....
Long gone are the days when a new Netflix show was an event. The bold new network drops something every other week now, and the misses amongst the hits matter much less. Bojack Horseman is absolutely the latter; a cartoon about a talking horse which manages to be both...
This week in Next on Netflix, Tom recommends three very different shows currently available on Netflix. BoJack Horseman Couple Archer’s machine-gun wit with Alan Partridge’s outdated-celebrity-with-misjudged-sense-of-importance and you’ve got the latest, animated Netflix Original, BoJack Horseman. Set in a world where humans and anthropomorphised animals coexist, washed-up star of 90’s family...