
How the hours you spend on social media could help you land your dream job

Job Today, the UK’s number one hiring app, specialises in helping many students and graduates find roles quickly and efficiently that either work around their studies or help launch their careers. The rise of social media has grown immensely in the last few years so Job Today have kept up with this and derived a list of ways your social media skills can translate into a real life interview situation that can land you your dream job.

As students we spend countless hours scrolling through bizarre videos, commenting on all of our friends’ Instagram snaps, tagging each other in memes and re-tweeting the best posts we find. Now you may be thinking how can all of this help you get a job?

Employment experts at Job Today have worked out how you translate these ‘social skills’ into a face-to-face job interview.

Sharing social media accounts with employers?

“Marketing is a core value in most businesses”

Job Today suggest that it is totally up to you whether you share your social media accounts. They note that marketing is a core value in most businesses, so showing that you understand and can execute personal banding is definitely a winner.

However, it is worth thinking about whether sharing your account is relevant to the specific role you are applying for. For example, Facebook may be less beneficial to your role than Twitter and LinkedIn. The latter in particular is very good at communicating some of your work and personal interests and attributes. In saying that, however, I have used Facebook for a combination of personal and professional interests in the sense that I repost articles I have written on Facebook which generates more views and a larger readership that potential employers can see.

Using social media, including LinkedIn, for future employability

How to be ‘social’ in your interview?

 1. The Commenting

Everyone gets slightly annoyed when a family member comments on every photo on your feed so you don’t want to become that person in your interview. It has been found that 93% of communication is nonverbal, so don’t worry about needed to comment on every single sentence. Relax, breathe, and listen you your interviewee. Engage with positive body language and only comment when you have something of true value to say and, of course, when answering questions.

2. The quote-tweet

Job Today encourage you to show that you appreciate/agree with your interviewer’s point-of-view or question as this is important in an interview. They say it is best you extract the essence of their statement and use it in the context of your career or relate it to a skill of yours.

A good example is if they say that teamwork is a key component in creating a successful working environment, you should mention a scenario where you have teamed up with peers or colleagues to work through a problem. It would be even better to mention the result of this collaboration. Likewise, discussing a university sports team or society you are a member of would be beneficial in conveying you teamwork capabilities in a better way that simply nodding and repeating their sentiments.

3. The emoji

While it is probably not the best idea to implement the aubergine and laughing emoji in an interview, generating an emotional connection with the interviewer will serve you well. Pay close attention to their body language, always shake their hand upon meeting, maintain eye contact and respond with meaningful reactions. It will make you memorable and more approachable.

4. The hashtag

As Job Today so eloquently put it, the concept of a hashtag is to simplify a message and signify meaning. They advise to make a list of your relevant traits and experience before the interview and condense them into memorable ‘hashtags’. This will inevitably help you remember key points and skills you want to get across during the actual interview.

5. The poke

One of the main things the hiring app advises if that you seek out your interviewers LinkedIn profile. As well as being able to recognise them when arriving for your interview, it will help establish a good understanding of their role within the business and experience. You can use some of their profile to show your interest in that business. Preparation is key and this will shine through if you do this background research.

6. Twitter polls

“A few staple questions in your mind before the interview is perfect”

In nearly every interview, you will be asked if you have any questions for your interviewer. Often, students and graduates may become nervous and stuck for something to say. However, it is a great opportunity to show that you have engaged throughout the interview and have a real interest in the role. Having a few staple questions in your mind before the interview is perfect if you do become a bit flustered.

A few great suggestions from Job Today are:

  1. What are the main challenges or issues being faced by the company and how can I help?
  2. Can you tell me a little bit about the team I’ll be working with?
  3. What has been the thing that you personally have enjoyed most about working here?
  4. What are the next steps?

For more information on useful interview tips and advice, check out the Job Today blog.

Shanai Momi

Featured image courtesy of Bill Strain via Flickr.  No changes were made to this image. Image license found here

Article image one courtesy of Esther Vargas. No changes were made to this image. Image license found here. 

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