
The Nottingham Arrows – Why You Should Give Cheerleading a Try

Pia Schäfer and Laura Leigh tell us why cheerleading is a sport for everyone

We sat down with two members of the Nottingham Arrows to discuss all things cheerleading, and believe it or not we had more things to talk about than just pom poms and scrunchies. Pia and Laura are keen to squash the negative stereotype often associated with cheerleading and told us the five reasons you should try it out.

  1. Relaxed.

The Arrows cheerlead to have fun. What they do is not that competitive and it’s more about working with and for each other. They only train once or twice a week and these sessions are really enjoyable. Pia told us it’s the most chilled out sports team she’s been in whilst still doing competitions and that everyone just laughs if something fails, there is no pressure.

  1. Beginners are Welcome.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner, lots of members within the current team only started cheerleading at uni. The Arrows is a great chance for people to try out something new. Laura said the team were really patient with her when she joined earlier this year and it’s nice to see your progress from the beginner level and to develop confidence against other teams.

  1. Not just pom poms.

Whilst shiny pom poms are very pretty, cheerleading centres around weightlifting. The team members have to be strong to be able to throw each other in the air and do tricks and tumbles. Flexibility is also involved, and whilst it does take a lot of skill, you can build on that skill from a beginner level.

  1. Boys can cheerlead too!

Cheerleading is not just directed at girls. Boys are really useful part of the team and it helps to build core strength as they partake in the weightlifting too.

“They cheerlead for fun, but still work towards something and engage with the sport on a national level”

  1. Inclusive

The University of Nottingham Cheerleading team can be very competitive and they often go for the most experienced people as the number of applications is so high. The Nottingham Arrows is the opportunity to be more inclusive. It’s a way of getting into cheerleading without being judged and without feeling like you have to prove yourself. Pia said it’s such a good team feeling and she felt really welcomed into the team.

The Arrows are a fun way to try cheerleading without any pressure. Whilst they are a relaxed team they still strive to do well and enter national competitions. They cheerlead for fun, but still work towards something and engage with the sport on a national level.

If you want more information or to find out how to get involved, check out the Arrows Facebook page.

Zoe Burgess

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Featured image courtesy of The Nottingham Arrows, via Facebook.


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