Happening on Campus

Rugby Centenary at the University of Nottingham

It has been all things rugby in Nottingham recently, as the 2019-20 season marks the centenary of the University of Nottingham’s Rugby Union team.

Last week also saw the England team compete in the final against South Africa for the World Cup. Whilst the pubs were full and the stakes were high last weekend, the Rugby Union have themselves also been busy putting up fixtures for this centenary season.

Old members are encouraged to share their stories of their time playing rugby at the club in an effort to appreciate the many memories made there over the past 100 years

Despite the defeat of the England team in the World Cup, the Rugby Union had something so celebrate as the University’s five rugby teams competed in their own fixtures the following week, with all teams returning victorious.

The Rugby Union, set up in 1919 with its first ever captain D.L. Nicholas, boasts a tradition and success of players such as Brian Moore and England caps Ron Jacobs, Nick Preston, Tim Streather and Chris Wyles. The current First XV team is currently set to compete in the BUCS Premiership A against some of the best universities, including Durham and Loughborough. Old members are encouraged to share their stories of their time playing rugby at the club in an effort to appreciate the many memories made there over the past 100 years.

The Rugby Union is celebrating this milestone in many ways this season. The Rugby Centenary Fundraising Dinner is being held in April with guest speaker and university alumnus Ryan Moore. In addition, the club has launched a Centenary appeal, asking for donations to help future rugby students have better coaching and support, but also working to have a positive impact on mental health and wellbeing at the club. You can donate here.

This is not the only charitable initiative being undertaken this season, as the Rugby Union has started their ‘Movember’ campaign, where players bid not to shave their beards for a month in order to raise funds and awareness for men’s health.

Safa Shahid 

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Happening on Campus

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