Managing to keep the momentum building from the end of Series 1, Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD (AoS) Series 2 was packed full of superhero drama, heightened stakes and constant plot twists. Learning from the mistakes of the past, the creators finally delivered the show we wanted and more. AoS...
Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino and Alexandra Daddario star in the new disaster flick San Andreas which follows a family’s struggle to find each other when the largest earthquake ever recorded hits California. Not knowing much about this film, the trailer looked decent and it had potential. Although some disaster films...
Oddly titled, Man Up tells the story of Nancy (Lake Bell), a singleton who’s mistaken for stranger Jack’s (Simon Pegg) blind date Jessica, and has no initial intention of revealing her actual identity. High-concept? In parts, though writer Tess Morris and director Ben Palmer do manage to dissolve some...