Polly Teale’s adaptation of Hans Christian Anderson’s Mermaid plunges us into a dark, poignant and troubling tale. This refreshingly original performance portrays a coming of age story about the little mermaid, played by Sarah Twomey, who longs to swim above the waves. When she turns 16, she falls deeply...
After the hilarity and all-round entertainment of the RSC’s previous instalment, Love’s Labour’s Lost, it was obvious it would be difficult for Love’s Labour’s Won to match its predecessor’s success. But match it it did, retaining Shakespeare’s sparkling wit, albeit combined with a much more sinister tone. Unlike Love’s Labour’s Lost, Love’s...
Musicality’s long-awaited production of The Producers opened tonight at the Nottingham Arts Theatre. The musical concerns two Broadway producers who scheme to get rich by cheating money out of a bunch of old, wealthy ladies. As the story unfolds, humour and sass leave the audience laughing with tears and clapping with joy....
This week we welcome back Mike Burman as a contributor and also Harry Patte-Dobbs, both in the School of English here at Nottingham. Despite coming to the end of their final years at UoN they’re still producing some great poetry! Last Remarks Cold rain and regret in this town. The only...
This week, Impact Arts speaks to Gus Herbert, director of the New Theatre’s latest in-house production: Orphans by Dennis Kelly. Tell us a bit about Orphans – what is the plot? Helen and her husband Danny are having a quiet night in, celebrating the news that Helen is newly pregnant...
Unconventionally gripping from the start, How to Breathe written by Mufaro Makubika denotes the political and racial complexities of an immigrant as he weighs the value of his life. The night before his deployment to Afghanistan to fight for the British Army, Joseph Tambo, captivatingly portrayed by Trevor Mugarisanwa,...
In her overwhelmingly successful political comedy, Laura Wade fuses lavishness, gluttony, and downright imbecility with the filthily rich members of the Riot Club – a dining society based upon Oxford University’s Bullingdon Club. With the upcoming General Election in mind, Wade has timed the second production of Posh impeccably....