• Do English Students Only Study ‘Dead White Males’?

    Studies of English – and universities in general – have been overwhelmingly dominated by men for the greater part of their existence. With such a history of white masculine authority, it is difficult for the arts to shake off the ‘dead white men’ image. Nowadays, however, nationwide English courses...
  • Silver Headlines: One Step Closer

    When the news is filled with stories that can depress even the most optimistic person, Impact Features writers are searching for the stories that will make you smile. SUPRA (Students Union Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Association) has organized to take on the Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge to raise money for the charity...
  • Refugees Then and Now

    In mainstream media we are often told that the refugee crisis we are experiencing today is the worst the world has seen since after the end of the Second World War, conjuring up images of poverty, war-torn nations and a lack of justice. But besides the occasional news report...
  • Nottingham Experienced: Nottingham Castle

    Impact Features writers are getting out and about in Nottingham to find the best activities for you all to enjoy. Get in touch if you have more ideas! Anybody who has taken a westbound train out of Nottingham has more than likely spotted Nottingham Castle, looming above the city...
  • Essay Preparation: Cramming vs. Planning

    It will come as no surprise that preparing for coursework assignments months in advance usually correlates to better results. After all, allowing yourself lots of time to research, compile resources, plan and write your essay certainly provides a larger degree of security; you can be confident you have the...
  • Silver Headlines: Our Student Voice

    When the news is filled with stories that can depress even the most optimistic person, Impact Features writers are searching for the stories that will make you smile. When was the last time you read a positive headline about students? I certainly can’t remember the last time I saw students in...
  • UoN Students’ Biggest Fears

    As Hallward and George Green begin to fill and exam time rolls ever closer, Impact Features thought this would be a great time to see what University of Nottingham (UoN) students fear the most. Procrastinating in the library, stuffing my face with Maryland cookies, I approached reluctant strangers to ask them...