• Floss Thinks: Is Honesty Really The Best Policy?

    I have recently been faced with a dilemma of whether or not to give someone information, constructive criticism you could say, but I feel they will just take it as a personal slight. This problem of whether honesty is always the best policy comes to us all from time...
  • Donald Trump: Is He Actually That Bad?

    Impact Features write this article looking for positive Trump policies, with full knowledge of the difficulty of objectively reporting politics without the report being read as the journalist’s unadulterated views. This writer is not a Donald Trump supporter, and this appears to be the norm here in the UK, making the...
  • Student’s Guide to How the Government is Screwing Us Over

    Recent proposals altering the Student Finance system have left students with prospects of increased debts and have halted the social mobility of many into higher education. Recent announcements suggest that current students, graduates and women of lower income will be the most affected by the government’s proposed changes to Student...
  • Jeremy Corbyn: He’s Basically Just One of Us

    Since his election as Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn’s unashamedly staunch socialist policies have polarised opinion within the media, public, and even the Labour party itself. Whilst he appears, and has certainly been portrayed as, a Marxist Martian reborn from the ashes of Michael Foot’s kamikaze 1983 general election campaign,...
  • Internet Trolls: A Survivor’s Story

    One of the sadder elements of modern living is the exponential growth of cyber bullying and the birth of the online troll. Bullying, while in the past was often performed in the realms of classrooms and playgrounds, now stretches far beyond, invading our homes and personal lives. While in...
  • Nottingham Experienced: Horseriding at Sherwood Forest

    Impact Features writers are getting out and about in Nottingham to find the best activities for you all to have a go at. Get in touch if you have more ideas! I remember waking up to a completely clear blue sky one morning in Autumn last year, excited for the day ahead...
  • Is Rent More Expensive in Nottingham Than Other University Cities?

    Impact Features writer Amina asks whether Nottingham is an expensive choice of city to study in… When my school friends and I were deciding on universities three years ago, many of us applied to similar institutions, yet most of us ended up completely spread out up and down the country. At...