I’d be inclined to think of my uncle as a decent man, but he once said to me one of the worst things anyone ever has. I asked him about those souls drowning across Europe in leaky, over packed vessels – desperately trying to make it to our shores...
The Miss Amazing Beauty Pageant describes itself as “a four-day celebration of the abilities and strengths of girls and women with disabilities”, and is in essence an opportunity to celebrate individual qualities and talents. On the surface, this appears to be a wonderfully empowering scheme for disabled girls who...
During the first week of University, photos of criminals clung prominently to the walls of the security stands. Their faces, devoid of colour, creased and haggard, were hung against the typical mugshot backdrop for all new students and staff to see. Having studied crime and its causes, this struck...
A street in Liverpool has become the first in the UK to implement a fast lane for pedestrians. This is, quite frankly, a brilliant idea because there is nothing more annoying than a slow walker. It’s hard not to use physical violence when I’m stuck behind one on the...
We all know the feeling. Those things you just cannot stand. They keep you awake at night. They make your skin crawl. They awake a hatred within you that you haven’t known since the checkout machine said there was an unexpected item in the baggage area. Go on, put...
Most people would rather spend their holidays relaxing on a beach in the Mediterranean than embarking on a highly restricted tour of one of the most tightly controlled dictatorships in the world. The North Korean government, however, wants to change all that. Hoping to improve its international reputation, The...
We all know the feeling. Those things you just cannot stand. They keep you awake at night. They make your skin crawl. They awake a hatred within you that you haven’t known since the checkout machine said there was an unexpected item in the baggage area. Go on, put...