• Airbrush it Under the Carpet

    Recently there has been an article published on the guardian by a mother who was disgusted to discover, that the school in which her children attended provided an option to ‘airbrush’ their school photos. For a cost, a parent could ‘retouch’ their child’s photo through one of the two...
  • It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year… Almost

    The end of November is a strange time- in a few weeks we’re returning back to some home cooked meals from our families, the present giving season is upon us and we’ll soon be done with lectures for first term. All this sounds pretty good- so why is this...
  • Enough is Enough

    The British political landscape, a once august and respected vista now resembles a drunken punch up at a wedding no one wanted to attend. A brawl being watched by 65 million people who frankly have no idea what is going on nor how the whole thing started and no...
  • Have we Lost the Art of Talking?

    How long do you spend on your phone? When was the last time you looked UP? Have you noticed the myriad of orangey-brown hues peppering the leaves? Or how your breath creates cloud-like puffs in the early morning?...
  • Emma + Emma Forever

    Emma Watson is one of those celebrities that is admittedly, universally loved. The automatic association with her beloved character of Hermione in the Harry Potter series makes her a love of millions, and throughout her adulthood she has continued to be both an interesting and inspirational individual, influencing many young...
  • Team Trees: The YouTube Project with a Twist

    I’m very much enjoying this new swathe of community action against climate change in the face of governmental apathy. I often wonder what high up in power are thinking, as they watch the world rally behind a 16-year-old or protest in a multitude of cities worldwide....
  • The Privileges Of Veganism

    In the last 20 years, veganism has become much more mainstream. Veganism is a lifestyle in which the use or consumption of animal products is prohibited. This includes the wearing of products like leather and wool, as well as the consumption of meat, eggs and any other animal byproduct....