For most people, going vegan happens for one, or a combination of, three reasons; to save animals, to help the environment and for personal health. For me, growing up with vegetarian parents, I’d love to say that all three of these factors influenced me from a young age. In...
Crawling to the Fresher’s week finish line, a hangover on the horizon and Fresher’s flu not far behind it; the thought of a big meal is enough to wake the chunder dragon. However, it’s now time to stop classifying pasta and cheese as a ‘proper dinner’ and start driving...
Although it seems to have gone far too quickly, summer has vanished and welcome week is back. For many of us we’ve been here before, the late nights, headaches, excessive quantities of just about everything we shouldn’t consume in excess, and of course the hangovers. Whether this is your...
I’m definitely in a rare bracket when it comes to dietary requirements. I’m a gluten-free vegan. Being vegan is a choice I make for ethical reasons, so I don’t feel irritated at facing the occasional minor obstacle to act upon my ethical beliefs. However, upon finding out from my...
To those who know me it’s never a shock to see me winding down for bed at a time before many students have even finished their pre-drinks. Whilst part of this is perhaps my tendency to act like an old man, the main reason is that I honestly live...
We hear so much about Italy’s culture associated with food, we hear about France’s in the same way. You can name so many Italian dishes off the top of your head and most of the well known extravagant cooking techniques (as well as many basic ones) have strong French...
Here’s a bunch of (very) brief recipes for any of you who saw mine and Poppy’s in season vegetable list in the print issue and may have felt somewhat confused. These are brief I grant you but they have just about enough direction to allow you to carry out...