• The “Ideal” Female Body Through Time

    Over the last century, the ideal body type for women has changed roughly every decade. Influenced by music, celebrities and the socio-political context of the time, women have felt pressured to conform to an “ideal” body type, instead of loving and taking care of their bodies. The recent fitness...
  • The “Ideal” Male Body Through Time

    In this day and age, many people are health-conscious and rightly so. However, an ever-increasing amount of people are also anxious about physique, failed countlessly by fad diets and generally fed up of not resembling the models we see on the catwalk. I feel you. Prior to 1920 (especially...
  • Is the contraceptive pill controlling your sexual preferences?

    When I started my biology degree at Nottingham, I wasn’t interested in learning too much about human biology. I figured I knew what was necessary and I’d let the doctors do the rest while I focused on the more fluffy and scaly aspects of the natural world. However, on...
  • Spring is Coming, Here’s a Guide for Girls on What to Keep In and What to Throw Out

    Spring falls on the 20th of March, and although this seems like months away, time soon flies by! The change into spring means a wardrobe update or recycle is required before the weather takes a slight (but noticeable) change for the better. Themes that are dominating the spring collection...
  • Kale me maybe?

    Most people have heard of veganism now (and if you haven’t, have you been living under a rock?) but raw veganism is like a distant second cousin – you’ve heard their name before but haven’t a clue who they are. So what is the more elusive and specific raw veganism?...
  • Suitcase Essentials: Packing for China

    A holiday to China is high up on every tourist’s list; it’s rich with culture and full of exciting and interesting sights. Packing can be a little more difficult though. With such a varied climate and weather prone to shifting in an instant, deciding what to pack is a...
  • Politics in Fashion: Ivanka Trump’s label dropped by Nordstrom

    Following his presidential win, many shoppers have taken part in the #GrabYourWallet campaign in protest at the election results in order to boycott products with ties to President Trump, his family and his donors. Amongst the boycott, Nordstrom, one of America’s leading luxury chain stores, has decided to halt the sales...