• Spotlight On: Cairo

    Cairo, and Egypt as a whole, is renowned for its rich civilisation and history. It is also somewhere I was fortunate enough to spend five years, exploring its many charming wonders and attractions....
  • Will Streetwear Become A Less Male-Dominated Industry?

    Streetwear has always been an area of fashion that is very male-dominated. Few mainstream streetwear brands currently accommodate clothing solely for women. Even when big brands supply female streetwear, the epicentre tends to be male clothing - this is reflected in both the styles of clothing and the unequal...
  • Dopamine Dressing: Can Clothes Really Be The Source Of Our Happiness?

    You’re probably sitting there wondering: what on earth is dopamine dressing? As a newly predicted trend in 2022, it involves dressing in clothes that will help boost your mood. How true is this? Can clothes really be the source of our happiness…?...
  • A galaxy image

    Professor Anne Green’s Talk: Into The Dark Side

    The first instalment of Impact’s ‘Lunchtime Science Lecture’ series took place last Wednesday and was titled ‘Into the Dark Side’ and was given by Professor Anne Green. In her talk Professor Green explained how dark matter (her field of research) is, in her opinion, the most likely theory to...
  • Food Price Inflation: Tips For Food Shopping On A Budget

    Welcome to Girl Talk, a safe space for female and non-binary students at the University of Nottingham to come together and share experiences. This is a place for the light-hearted to the heavy, from music to politics and business to film.

    In this episode, Hannah is joined by Córa and...
  • A window with 100% Vegan written on it in white

    Veganism, COP26 And Future Generations: An Interview With The Vegan Society

    Alice Nott Alice sat down with Tim Thorpe from the Vegan Society UK back in October to discuss their upcoming campaign ‘Plate Up for the Planet’, the Food Sustainability Bill and what it’ll take for us all to go plant based. In this article, the interview originally published in...
  • Photo of a lighthouse and a massive wave crashing onto the land with grey and stormy skies

    Dudley, Eunice And Franklin: Is There More Stormy Weather Ahead?

    Eleanor Ames delves into whether the recently UK storms which have caused destructing all across the country could have been caused by climate change, and if this is just the beginning of more extreme weather......