When over 100,000 people were killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki over the course of three days by two separate explosions, it became clear that the horrors technology allowed us to unleash upon each other had escalated to a new level. The Second World War showed the world mechanised slaughter...
We have sculpted our planet since the beginnings of human existence, and in doing so have changed so many ecosystems that the earth’s stability is now reliant upon human intervention. More than ever before, conservation institutions have to work tirelessly, and often unsuccessfully in attempts to remediate the anthropogenic...
These days, it doesn’t matter if you’re a hard-core science nerd or simply a casual I Fucking Love Science browser on Facebook – big news will reach you anyway, and in 2016, nothing is bigger than CRISPR, the shiny, new genetic modification tool that is already on track to...
Upon publishing his pivotal general theory of relativity, Albert Einstein produced a series of gravitational field equations for the great minds of the time to solve. Little did he know that the solution would predict a phenomenon that would draw in much astonishment, scepticism and confusion. This was the...
Recently, no fewer than five nuclear testing reports have come out of North Korea, a state that seems to be detonating weapons of mass destruction unnervingly often. North Korea (or The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) is possibly the most repressive state in the world, with a maddening system...