• Musicality’s The Producers @ Nottingham Arts Theatre

    Musicality’s long-awaited production of The Producers opened tonight at the Nottingham Arts Theatre. The musical concerns two Broadway producers who scheme to get rich by cheating money out of a bunch of old, wealthy ladies. As the story unfolds, humour and sass leave the audience laughing with tears and clapping with joy....
  • Not about Heroes @ Nottingham New Theatre

    It is certainly an accomplishment when a cast of two is able to hold an audience’s attention for almost two hours. Despite a slow start with miming, that slightly dragged and wasn’t necessarily essential in setting the scene, from the first duologue the chemistry between the characters was apparent....
  • A View From The Bridge @ Theatre Royal

    It is not uncommon to see the works of esteemed playwrights, such as Arthur Miller, revived and revamped, attempting to put a new spin on plays which have been performed countless times. However, Touring Consortium Theatre Company present what feels like a very traditional production of A View From...
  • Let’s Just Pretend @ Nottingham New Theatre

    Perhaps the first year English ‘Drama, Theatre and Performance’ module has set my standards too high, but what Let’s Just Pretend had on offer left me slightly disappointed. Whilst a homely set is well created, it is difficult to see why a tree stems from the middle of a...
  • Orphans @ Nottingham New Theatre

    Tonight, Nottingham New Theatre invites its audience to intrude upon the household of ordinary couple Helen and Danny, as they celebrate the news that Helen is pregnant with their second child. However, when Helen’s brother Liam interrupts their quiet night by coming home covered in blood, the couple must...
  • To Kill A Mockingbird @ Theatre Royal

    Amid recent controversy concerning the discovery of Harper Lee’s long lost manuscript, I leapt at the opportunity to review the novelist’s first, and only published work, on the Theatre Royal stage. Director Timothy Sheader’s ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ is everything the avid reader can hope for as it brings...
  • How To Breathe @ Nottingham Playhouse, Neville Studio

    Unconventionally gripping from the start, How to Breathe written by Mufaro Makubika denotes the political and racial complexities of an immigrant as he weighs the value of his life. The night before his deployment to Afghanistan to fight for the British Army, Joseph Tambo, captivatingly portrayed by Trevor Mugarisanwa,...