Last week Broadway Cinema once again played host to the Mayhem Film Festival, a celebration of horror movies and related genres. Raw was one such of these films, and it was certainly an interesting take on our notion of horror. Raw follows the story of Justine, a young woman...
In a genre everybody knows inside out, it’s hard to stand out from the crowd. But The Girl with all the Gifts manipulates the tropes of its predecessors, adds a huge dose of original thinking and an intriguing alternative approach to zombie movies to create a fantastic and thought-provoking...
Last week Broadway Cinema once again played host to the Mayhem Film Festival, a celebration of horror and related movies. I am Not a Serial Killer was an excellent addition to the range of films on offer as an interesting, genre-bending movie. Following the life of John, a teenager...
This weekend, the Savoy Cinema in Lenton has been playing host to the first ever Nottingham International Film Festival, showing feature films and a slew of varied shorts from around the world. Here are some quick-fire reviews of a series of short films shown on Saturday at the festival....
Another brilliantly dark psychological thriller has been adapted for the big screen, and The Girl on the Train has lived up to its popularity as a novel, working excellently in film form. The build-up and reveal of the plot is very well done, and it keeps all the best...
Luke Cage is not your average TV series. Centering on a black man in a hoodie, on the run from police, and with powers that make him bulletproof, the show is very relevant in our current world. These are not the only themes it addresses, however; community, father figures,...
Not all books work as films. Sometimes a film adaptation of a book doesn’t quite work (I know, I know, shocking. I never thought I’d hear myself say it). We all want our favourite stories to come to life on screen but sometimes, it is not the right format...