• Investigating The Enemies to Lovers Trope

    Orla Newstead Enemies to lovers: it’s a tale we all know well. The boy meets the girl, the girl hates the boy, then by some miracle they fall in love and a happily ever after ensues. In a new series for Impact examining popular tropes in film and TV,...
  • Ultimate Displays of Romance in Film and TV

    Love in movies and TV shows pave the way for the idealisation of romantic gestures, making it more and more difficult for people to live up to these standards. Here are a few that made Santhana Kanapathippillai fall in love with the characters and crave excitement and glamour in...
  • Watch This If…You Miss the ’90s

    At one point or another, we all miss classic 90’s paraphernalia, from rom coms like Clueless, inflatable sofas and the original, not-so-terrifying Ferby. The 1990s were an era that is highly reminisced, particularly by those born within the decade. Now it seems we just cannot cushion in uncomfortable furniture, odd toys or comfortably...