Impact Style’s Joanna Grimwood has been delving into the lives of the individuals who have made large strides within the fashion industry, despite facing adversity. This is their story – one by one. In focus this week is actress and model Jamie Brewer. Keen viewers of the anthology series American...
Impact Style’s Joanna Grimwood has been delving into lives of the individuals who have made large strides within the fashion industry despite facing adversity. This is their story – one by one. In focus this week is model Mariah Idrissi. “Are you sure they know I wear a hijab?”...
Impact Style’s Joanna Grimwood has been delving into lives of the individuals who have made large strides within the fashion industry despite facing adversity. This is their story – one by one. To kick off the series: model, Lauren Wasser’s story! Until unforeseen circumstance saw her right leg being...