Annabelle Underdown Malcom & Marie (2021), written and directed by Sam Levinson, the creator of the critically acclaimed series Euphoria, is a film that attempts to depict the volatility of relationships. However, the potential to explore the complexities of a relationship connected to drug addiction and fame, is superseded...
Annabelle Underdown Barry Jenkins is at the forefront of contemporary cinema – alongside other Black film makers he is a pivotal figure in the integration and celebration of Black stories. From Medicine for Melancholy (2008) to If Beale Street Could Talk (2018), Jenkins has always placed Black love at...
After his Oscar-nominated break-out performance in 2016’s Manchester by the Sea, Lucas Hedges stars in Boy Erased, the true story of a boy who is forced to take part in a gay conversion therapy program. The timely On the Basis of Sex sees Felicity Jones star as a young...
Barry Jenkins’ first directorial breakthrough film Moonlight is a beautiful, poetic-like film which tells the story of a young African-American man, Chiron, by depicting three different stages of his life. With a Golden Globe for best picture, eight Oscar nominations and a bucket full of chaos, it was revealed that...