• Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, sits for a group photograph with all the G7 leaders at the Eden Project

    Climate Change Talks At G7 Summit

    Rian Patel Out of overarching grey clouds was born a beautiful blue sky, and warm, dazzling sunshine, as the G7 summit progressed from 11 – 13 June. The first face-to-face diplomatic meeting that the Group of 7 (G7) have had in nearly two years took place at Carbis Bay...
  • A forest with the back of a person in the foreground, holding a reusable water bottle

    Seven Steps To Becoming An Environmentally Conscious Traveller

    Lucy Tombs All of us love a good holiday from time to time. However, it is a well-known fact that travelling has had a negative effect on our environment. From carbon emissions produced by planes to the litter left behind by tourist groups, our holidays have had a direct...
  • The Olympics, Climate Change And Tokyo 2021

    Ewan James Before it was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Tokyo 2020 was set to be a ground-breaking Olympic and Paralympic games, with an unprecedented commitment to sustainability and climate change. This same commitment is being continued into the rearranged Tokyo 2021 Olympics, with the goal being a...
  • Rising Sea Levels Spark Concerns Over Long-Term Sports Stadia Sustainability

    Matthew Cotter Undeniably, rising sea levels are one of Earth’s current biggest threats. But in the world of sport, its consequences are somewhat unknown. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has reported that sea levels are set to rise by 3.6 feet by the end of...
  • Woman in a blue dress holding a pile of Earth with a green plant growing out of it

    What Can COVID-19 Teach Us About Responding To Climate Change?

    Lucy Woodward The climate crisis is a threat as equally pressing as the COVID-19 pandemic. It also, devastatingly, has the potential to be even more catastrophic. More than a year on from the start of the first lockdown, what lessons can we learn from the response to the pandemic...
  • Greenhouse with tomatoes growing

    Home-Grown Goodness: Summer Recipes

    Taja Offers some recipes for homegrown goodies!...
  • Image of Westminster Bridge and Big Ben in London

    Can UK Holidays Be Better?

    Anna Stacey Like last year, this summer is proving uncertain for international holidays. But can UK trips be just as good, and even better for the planet? When going abroad, the most time effective mode of transport is usually by plane. You’d probably expect flights and cruises to have...