He was on a plane, in the sky, above the clouds. A girl was next to him, someone he barely knew, who had only ever been on the very edges of his vision. A closer friend was sat behind him. The interior of the plane was cool and quiet,...
In this month’s poetry showcase we focused on the theme ‘Fantasy’- be it a secret crush in a coffee shop line or a D&D adventure! The Power of Fantasy We sit together around our fading campfire, sharing in the adventures of heroes we will never get to see; heroes...
Grief is difficult to explain. Its presence is always noticeable, but the strength of this presence is mutable. Overtime the momentum increases and once the heartache becomes too much to contain, conceal and ignore the wave breaks. How I hate those breaking waves, I dread waiting for them to...
Although it looks quite complicated, cross stitch is actually relatively simple to do – the real task is keeping patient over however many weeks it takes you to complete your piece. Cross stitch is a great stress reliever and an easy way to impress your friends with a homemade...
What is it with these husbands and wives who after so long stop sleeping side-by-side and trade their marriage vows for their cyanide, a head-in-an-oven, a pocket full of stones and their husbands weep for a week and call it pride and say how She warded off the world...
She ran out of the car as fast as she could, heaving and sighing, repeatedly reassuring herself that everything would be just fine. 30 minutes ago, Katie had been at a get together at the office, celebrating the company’s latest success when she had suddenly got a phone call...