• How to avoid being absintheminded when drinking

    So, alcohol. Despite the amount we consume, we pretend to our parents that we have never even seen a bottle of alcohol in our first few weeks of university, and profess to them our hatred of vodka, one of the vilest liquids known to man, alcohol plays an important...
  • Society Spotlight: Film Making Society

    Recently I sat down with the President (Jonathan Williams) and Development sec (Gianluca Scatto) of Film Making Society to discuss their plans for the new academic year. And boy, does it sound exciting. Q: So for the newbies in Nottingham, what does Film Making Society offer? Jonathan: We meet...
  • Self-Care at University: Putting Your Health and Wellbeing First

    Faye Price gives essential information and advice about staying healthy during freshers week.  For years, Freshers Week has been one of the most highly anticipated events on the University calendar. It can be easy to get swallowed up in the excitement and uncertainty that come with starting out as...
  • Society Spotlight: Karnival

    Dounia Crivelli discusses UoN’s Karnival, one of the largest student-run charity organisations in the country. Karnival is the University of Nottingham’s student-run charity organization, one of the largest in the country, and we raise incredible amounts of money every year for amazing causes. We host many fundraising experiences and...
  • Discover Nottingham: Arts

    Impact’s guide to the best arts venues in Nottingham....
  • Society Spotlight: English Society

    Vice President Emily Casey explains what being a member of the English Society, is like and why you should join.  Congratulations freshers – welcome to Nottingham! But, more importantly, welcome to English Society! Why should you join? As a fresher, there are 3 main avenues to making friends: course,...
  • Society Spotlight: Creative Writing Society

    For Impact’s society spotlights, Lauren interviewed the Creative Writing committee to find out more about what the society gets up to and what students can get out of joining the society. ...