So, exam season is upon us. Your days are filled with coffee, cramming and crises (whether in Rock City or otherwise). You spend hours on end trying to bag yourself a table in Hallward. Your eyes hurt from staring at words on your laptop screen for too long. Sometimes...
To all you Freshers out there, you may start to sweat at the mere mention of the dreaded act of socialisation. In order to help you through this awkward, angst inducing stage of life – I thought I would share my own experiences with making friends in first year...
Spending two weeks in New York City was easily one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had. The 100mph atmosphere is incredible, even for this London boy. Two weeks at the end of June and start of July in the summer just gone were spent exploring the...
236 episodes over 10 seasons. 6 of the most well-known characters of all time. Trying to discern five essential episodes from one of the most iconic sitcoms was always going to be hard, but until I tried to do it, I did not know how hard. You are welcome to debate...
With a new year comes a new start – or so they say. But really, after a couple of days the feeling of being born again has already been stamped out. Nothing is different from how it was the year before; the weather is the same, the people are...
12 years after the emotional ending to the decade long reign of ‘Friends’, Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Ross, Chandler and Joey are finally getting reunited in an two hour special on NBC on the 21st of Feburary. Impact Style is posing the question: What exactly would the friends dress like now and...
On this day back in 1994, “The First One” of the acclaimed sitcom Friends premiered, unaware of the momentous cultural impact the show would have in the years following. Now, on the 20th anniversary of the Pilot, we’re celebrating the series’ continuing flight of fandom as we countdown the...