A critique of the capitalistic lifestyle and an all out riddle of a film, A Cure for Wellness is Gore Verbinki’s newest installment into the horror genre. It is psychologically comparable to Shutter Island, but manages to have an originality to it that does not fail to thrill. While...
Finally, after months of waiting, the Oscars are nearly upon us. Will La La Land dance its way to the top? Will Portman trounce Stone? All will be revealed on 26th February; until then, there’s a whole host of films being released this month to sink your teeth into....
Last week, Disney stepped forward to unveil the teaser trailer for their new feature, Tomorrowland. Brad Bird, director of The Incredibles, is the second to take on the task converting a Disney World parks attraction into a film. The first, Gore Verbinski, had elevated success with the Pirates of the Caribbean...