• White Filmmakers’ Relationships With Race: The Problem With Malcom & Marie

    Annabelle Underdown Malcom & Marie (2021), written and directed by Sam Levinson, the creator of the critically acclaimed series Euphoria, is a film that attempts to depict the volatility of relationships. However, the potential to explore the complexities of a relationship connected to drug addiction and fame, is superseded...
  • Challenges Still Faced By Hollywood’s Budding Black Actors In The Film Industry Today

    Jerome Gerada In recent times, Hollywood has become somewhat of a harbour for negativity, receiving relentless bouts of media-driven criticism – often in the form of hashtag-headed campaigns that sprawl from Twitter to television news in a matter of days. Perhaps it was famously convicted sex offender Harvey Weinstein...
  • Director Spotlight: Barry Jenkins

    Annabelle Underdown Barry Jenkins is at the forefront of contemporary cinema – alongside other Black film makers he is a pivotal figure in the integration and celebration of Black stories. From Medicine for Melancholy (2008) to If Beale Street Could Talk (2018), Jenkins has always placed Black love at...
  • Oscar Diversity and The Inclusion Rider

    Last week I complained about how white the Oscars (and therefore Hollywood) are to this day. What I lightly brushed upon is just how male-dominant the film industry actually is. To start, Frances McDormand had surprised a lot of people on Sunday when she left the stage after collecting...