Like a game of pinball, it seems the Prime Minister has bounced from scandal to scandal in the last few weeks. It is not just hard for him to keep up with it but also everyone else. No fear, here is a somewhat definitive list of the scandals Mr...
I’m a Celebrity...Get me Out of Here! is renowned for being controversial. Since its debut series in 2002, it has been located in the depths of the Australian jungle, but due to 2020’s COVID-19 restrictions, this year it has been held in Gwrych Castle in Wales....
Internationally renowned popstar, Britney Spears, has lost a court case against her father in an attempt to remove him as her conservator....
Over the recent weeks, there has been much controversy surrounding the lack of support granted by the government to the arts sector. With forced closures and the loss of revenue caused by COVID-19 restrictions, job losses have risen exponentially and many theatres, art galleries, publishers and more have been...
Katherine Davey Over In our new normal of distance, virtual reality and WiFi glitches, social media has taken on a new role. I came across a campaign which was set to kick off Black History Month as I scrolled through Instagram in one of my breaks (or in a...
Aleyna Adamson In 2018, a group of Italian researchers announced evidence to suggest the presence of subsurface lakes at Mars’ southern pole using data from MARSIS (The Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding). Aleyna Adamson looks at some new data which sheds light on the nature of...
Feyintoluwa Ayanlaja White men may have landed on the moon, but the works of Black women paved the way there. Feyintoluwa Ayanlaja explores the stories of some of these extraordinary women. On the 20th of July 1969 it was official; “the Eagle had landed” on the moon and with...