• Top 5 Games to Play at Christmas

    As Christmas day draws ever nearer, it won’t be long before we’re once again having to engage in some ‘quality family time’. Though we can’t speak for everyone, this normally involves some form of gaming, but things can quickly go wrong. (God forbid anyone suggest Charades, or worse, Monopoly). Thankfully, there...
  • 5 People Who Could Play The Next Jack Reacher

    This year it was announced that Tom Cruise would be stepping down from his role as Lee Child’s most famous creation, the ex-military man Jack Reacher,  a 6’5″ titan, built like a brick wall, and standing head and shoulders above Cruise’s comparatively smaller 5ft 7 frame. With a TV...
  • Petition Launched To Make Derby Road Safer

    The petition, which was started by UoN student Elliott Silver, is directed at Nottingham City Council and demands changes to the safety measures on Derby Road. Given that Derby Road cuts through Lenton and is busy both in terms of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, particularly at rush hour, it...
  • Universities committing to a more sustainable future

    The SDG is the blueprint in achieving a better and more sustainable future. The initiative addresses global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice. “The initiative addresses global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice.” Universities from...
  • Is the increase of university fees globally affecting standards of education?

    Proposed budget cuts by the Kenyan government in September 2018 includes slashing the university education budget by approximately US$23 million. This move reflects a wider issue affecting numerous African countries struggling to finance higher education as it has globally been perceived as a private rather than a public good...
  • Staff at multiple UK Universities face possible job cuts

    Unstable political shifts in the UK paired with budgetary strain have led some institutions like Cardiff University to warn their staff of the potential for redundancies in early 2019. Up and down the UK, higher education providers are reporting their finances for the 2017-18 year and ‘several’ have found...
  • Jess Lendon resigns as Students’ Union President

    The Students’ Union released a statement on the afternoon of 10th December to announce that Jess Lendon has resigned from their position as the President of the University of Nottingham’s Student Union, after taking on the role in July 2018. As quoted in the statement, Jess Lendon said, “I...